Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Priorities of a Newly Turned Two-Year-Old.

At night, when I put Kate to bed, we say a simple prayer asking God to bless all of our family and friends. We begin with "God bless (insert name here)" and end with "Amen". Lately, Kate has taken to making sure God blesses everything she values. Here is a list of things she has thrown into our nightly prayer mix, somewhere between her various Grandparents and Aunts/Uncles:

  • "God bless t.v."

  • "God bless chocolate milk"

  • "God bless fan" (ceiling I think)

  • "God bless outside"

  • "God bless baby doll"

  • "God bless Elmo"

  • "God bless light on please" (Is this her way of searching for a sign?)

My one prayer is that both she and Ashton look away from organized religion and begin a transcendental approach to life, possibly through the worship of nature. I would like to see them taking the time to stop and not only smell the roses, but appreciate all the flora and fauna around us. As Ralph Waldo Emerson one said "Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. "

1 comment:

Jon said...

Well placed Emerson reference. I agree more or less, I feel better after a Sunday in the mountains than leaving a church.