Thursday, May 31, 2012

The End of an Era

As I look to tomorrow, it is with mixed emotions. The last of my babies will graduate from preschool and I will be there so proud and, at the same time, so sad. From this point on I will have no choice but to turn my last little one over to others for care. For some reason I don't feel as bad dropping her off at preschool, because that is a choice I guess, with freedom to come and go as we please, not like Kindergarten.

However, in spite of the bitter, I will do my best to focus on the sweet and watch proudly as Kate passes a milestone and looks forward to continued success in her academic career - which, based in the fact she confided in me she aspires to be a doctor, maybe a very long one. Congratulations to Kate!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Photo Friday

Today for photo Friday here's a picture of Kate's ballet debut at the North Carolina dance theater. We are so lucky to be surrounded by such a large fan base a.k.a. family for such a small performance in length but big in accomplishment for Kate.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Highs and Lows

Since it's really a mixed bag today, let's start with shoelaces.

Yes, shoelaces! On a trip to Target to purchase new shoes, Kate insisted she wanted "shoes that tie", so shoes that tie she got!
The good news is that she is almost able to tie them herself, the not so good news is that whole "almost" part. But, I guess practice makes perfect and she will get there.

Also, same day, Ashton was subjected to the utter misery of allergy testing - the whole stick 40 needles into your back to cause hives thing. The poor dear took it in stride, only looking at us in utter terror during the initial pricks, not scratching once per strict instructions, but itching all the same.
Turns out he is crazy allergic to all molds, cats, dogs, house dust, dust mites, some trees, some grass, beef, soybeans, chocolate and milk. Poor, poor thing.
So, needless to say, dinner out Ashton's choice, was in order. After realizing his favorite restaurant would limit me from eating ( frankly it makes me sick) he insisted on choosing a spot where he could eat with his WHOLE family instead, an act of pure selflessness. What a special and kind boy he is, I am so proud.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Random Radio Thought

Just flipping through the radio and heard a local AM personality comment "Yeah, you probably don't want to do a cartwheel with a loaded gun in your pocket." True words to live by.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

We're Baaaaack!

I can't believe it has been so long since I last posted,  I guess Facebook as been my "go to" place to capture moments with the kiddos. But, as of today, back in the blogging game. I keep meaning to capture more of the good/bad moments of parenting, the things in life that I will look back on and say, yes, it was a fun and wild ride!