Thursday, August 7, 2008

My Little Mermaid!

Just a 1 short week ago Kate taught herself to float with water wings all by herself. She found some along the side of the pool someone had left laying around and brought them to me demanding I put them on her. So, curious as to what would happen, I did. She stuck her proud little chin up in the air and very carefully balanced herself swinging her legs up and back to grab her toes. She is now a professional and can "walk" through the water to get from one place to the other. I am so proud of her!

Not to be outdone with new tricks, Ashton now makes flying leaps into the pool, where 1 month ago he would only enter the pool by going down the steps or the ladder.

The favoirte destination to drive their cars to is the pool. Ashton insists on eating lunch and dinner at the pool. And you'd better not promise Kate you will take her swimming then not go...she will guilt you to DEATH.

So...if we are not around when you call or come by, check the pool!

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