Monday, August 4, 2008

Birthday Wishes and Caviar Dreams...

Ok, my mother-in-law made the suggestion I write about Paul and I once in a here's something about me! With my 27th birthday fast approaching, I ponder what a birthday should mean as I cross the threshold into my "late 20's". If you can get me any of the presents below, I would be eternally grateful!

Birthday Wishes:
1. To live in the moment with my children, aware of them and how wonderful and complex their personalities during each minute of the day.

2. More sleep, 7 hours a night would be wonderful. Ideally, at least one day a week where I can awaken naturally, instead of to the sound of Ashton kicking his door or Kate thumping me on the head.

3. I wish to learn to sew this winter. As a mother of young children, sewing seems like a great tool to stow in the "Mommy toolbox". I want to make a quilt before I am 30, knit a WEARABLE scarf before I am 29 and make homemade Angel/Devil costumes for Ashton, Kate and Angelique this year.

4. Improve my cooking and learn to bake! I want to learn to chop/slice/dice without band-aids being involved and bake confections that do not double as blunt objects.

5. Read more books. Have more dates with my husband. Drink more wine. Watch more movies on my AFI Top 100 of All time List. Go to the gym more. Take bubble baths. Practice yoga twice a week. Begin to study for the LSAT. Hang out with my friends.(More ME time I guess)

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