Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Bravest Man I Know

Paul is now officially the bravest, most adventurous man I know! He has surpassed Indiana Jones, James Bond and Chuck Norris in one fell swoop.

Did he defeat an armed robber with nothing but a toothbrush you ask? No, even scarier.

Did he wrestle a crocodile, shark and lion to the ground with one arm? Something even braver!

Last night he packed up 4 kids, ages 10-1 in the van to take them all to an outdoor movie in Uptown Charlotte and was the only adult. WOW! How brave! Richard - age 5, Renee - age 10, Ashton - age 3 and Kate - age almost 2. This was especially impressive because it was a spur of the moment decision and he executed it in 20 minutes. The sad part is we got the dates mixed up and the movie's tonight! So they played on the playground downtown and then came home.

Paul, you are my hero!

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