Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Cover Me Ashton

Last night, for the first time ever I think, Ashton did the most perfect thing a big brother can do for his kid sister...he covered for her! You see, when Kate is bored or finished eating, because she's not quite 2 yet she hasn't mastered the ability to tell us she's ready to leave the table. She simply begins to throw her food about in classic toddler style. Since chicken and Stove Top just weren't doing it for her last night, the food throwing began earlier than Paul & I expected. Paul just HATES it when she throws her food, as he is the usual kitchen angel that cleans it up and, understandably, became irritable with her. Ashton, not wanting his big, huge daddy to be mad with his tiny sister, very unexpectedly piped up with this - "No Daddy! Kate was just sharing with me! Thank you Kate! Good job sharing with me! See Daddy? Kate not throwing, she sharing!" It was sooooooooooo cute....but we still had to take her food away.

Also, earlier, when we were leaving Costco after picking up some milk, Kate would just not share Paul's keys with Ashton. Ashton, wanting to have EVERYTHING all the time, got pretty ticked off and decided to hit her. When I whipped around to face him in the back seat and asked if he just hit his sister, his reply was this "No Mommy" then pointing out the window "I hit the building over there and the car right there". Paul and I could barely contain our laughter with this avoidance strategy in our face.

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