Sunday, November 2, 2008

362 More Days Until Halloween!

I L-O-V-E day after (insert random holiday) sales. Love them, love them, LOVE THEM.
I was able to get out today and grabbed tons of post-Halloween decor and clothes for next year, most of the stuff at 75% off. One of the girls working at Party City was looking at me like I was crazy with my cart full of tulle ghosts and giant bobble-head trick-or-treaters. "Throwin' a late Halloween party or sumthin'?" she asked with a slight cock to her head. "No..." I explained, telling her how, since I was packing up my Halloween decor today, it's so easy to throw the newly-acquired discounted stuff in with the stuff I already had. And, I must say, I am excited about my finds.

Also, the majority of the stuff out there is G.G.G. (That's gross, ghastly and goolish.) To GGG for my little ones and their potential dreams. Today I racked up on cute ghosts and pumpkin things to add to what we already had. Also, when it comes to decorating for Halloween, is it just me or are most things either small in scale when placed in your yard or wayyyyyyyyyyy to expensive? I mean, really, it's pretty hard to see a carved jack-o-lantern from the road. But the ghosts I got are about 3-4 feet long and I picked up quite a few of them to make a nice grouping for next year. I can't wait!

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