Monday, May 19, 2008

YES! Soliciting

Help! Does anyone who reads this have any ideas on the following situation at hand? (Feel free to post a comment or email ANY responses.)
Ashton doesn't sleep much for a 3 year-old anyways, but as of late he is in the habit of waking up at 6am, coming into my room and waking me up to get him a drink. After dragging myself out of bed and getting the much needed drink I can then settle him down for another 20-30 minutes. He then proceeds to wake me up again and again until I get frustrated at him and yell "MOMMY NEEDS HER SLEEP ASHTON!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!", which quickly after I am racked with guilt because deep down I know that he just wants the pleasure of my company during his best time of day. I can't expect him to understand that, because of my part time job, I go to sleep most nights around 1-2am and am just sooooooooooo sleep deprived.
I've tried locking him in his room until I am ready to wake up, but he's figured out how to take his night time diaper off and, well, it just doesn't pay to wake up to the messes I've seen a few times. He also will kick and bang on his door until he wakes up little Kate and YOU TRY TO SLEEP through not one but two "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!"s.
Haven't Slept Since Feb. 2007

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