Thursday, May 15, 2008

Listen Closely to the Minds of Children

Today, for reasons that are an even longer story than I'd like to get into, Ashton told me today..."Mommy, I don't want to go to school." Raising an eyebrow and looking closer at him, I asked why not. This is what followed in the perfect three-year-old speech I am adjusting to, "Mommy, I eat my vegetables and fruit and grow big and strong so I can go work to get money to pay puppy and kitty doctors for Buddy so his teeth will not hurt him."
I love this stream of ideas about our day's worth of activities. It was interesting how he connected everything into one sentence, however long and drawn out it was. Ashton is demonstrating that he is becoming less and less of an observer in my life and more of a participant. Welcome to the world Ashton!

And little Miss Kate, well, she is just a world of personality all balled up into one amazing red-head! She was doodling today with a random pen and paper she found when she suddenly busted out into a garbled song coupled with motions toward the paper and a huge smile. I realized she had come very close to what I can only assume was an accidental almost perfect "A" and was singing "A,B,C,C,D,la,la,T,W,la,la,now,I,la,la,Yea!" She really understands and comprehends so much more than Paul & I give her credit for. She is on the verge of conversing and I simply cannot wait to hear what she has to say!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell that boy that Uncle Scottie is very proud of him!!!!

Uncle Scottie.