Saturday, December 20, 2008

Miss Sassafrass

Kate loves tomatoes. She'll snatch one off the counter so fast it'll make your head spin. She eats Heirlooms like Macintosh's and thinks bright red is much better than green or purple when it comes to "grapes". When she's around, watch out or you'll have to settle for a B.L. instead of that BLT you were planning.

Last night at dinner I whipped up pasta with a salad, throwing in a handful of cherry tomatoes for vitamins and color. Knowing Kate's fondness for the red-rounded goodness, I set aside 8-10 of them for her plate. After devouring those, she snuck over to the counter and declared she wanted "all of dem" and found a happy resting place for the remainder next to her plate. She then proceeded to shovel tomato after tomato from the container to her mouth, two or three at a time. Watching her for a moment, I then asked her "Kate, are those yummy or what?". She didn't say a word, just looked right at me, her mouth leaking tiny yellow seeds, picked up the empty container and held it out towards me at arm's length.

Was she sassing me or just stating the obvious? I'll never know and she won't tell as long as she gets her tomatoes.

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