Saturday, April 5, 2008

Not Perfect, But Wonderful All the Same

After waking to a dreary rain-filled morning following a late night of Tornado look out duty( ) (Ashton & I took the job of monitoring all weather channels until at 10pm), I expected to have a TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD VERY BAD DAY. (Read the full short text of the story here: )
I was instead surprised to find a clean house with happy diaper-changed children running around with the sweet, buttery smell of something baking in the air. (Did I mention half the laundry was done too!) I wandered past the five or six "Hi Mama!"'s from Kate and the "Mommy! You're awake!!!" from Ashton to find my darling husband had made breakfast! After rubbing my eyes to make sure I was indeed awake and seeing clearly, I looked closer to see that the rolls had surly come from Paul, as evidenced by the photo below. (Click to enlarge). Now Paul would say I was complaining the rolls were not the perfect moon shaped they were supposed to be, then hastily explaining the expanding can had not expanded, but had opened only after scissors and maybe a knife had gotten involved - justifying the final designs of his baked goods.
I would like to say that I did not notice the imperfections in the oblongs and mismatched sizes to be mean or judgemental. I noticed the uniqueness in the hard to duplicate shapes that would not be let anywhere near a bakery, but are perfectly welcome in homemade goods. These red-headed stepchildren of the Pilsbury doughboy could only come from the heart, not the store. I noticed that these were made, not bought, for me and that there had to be at least 12-14 minutes of premeditated thought to produce them and at our house, this is VERY advanced thought. I noticed they were not perfect, but were wonderful all the same! :)
Thank you Paul for a wonderful morning, especially considering this was your first day off in 10 days!

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