Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I Pretend With You?

In honor of a wonderful moment this afternoon, I am starting a blog on behalf of Ashton & Kate, wishing to keep family & friends apart of our world.

Ashton named the blog with a simple conversation he started, beginning very carefully, "Here Mommy, here's some candy.", quickly searching my face for a response. I must have looked very confused when I saw his empty hand, as he then repeated his words adding in a voice that could only emerge from a 3-year-old - a special mixing of both an invitation to share in his magic as well as cautious self discovery --"I pretend with you?".

For those of you who know our family, we struggle day-to-day with Ashton and his extreme eccentricities, often wondering if he is "normal", having previously been diagnosed with SID. Hearing him say such an ordinary thing in such an ordinary way was really extraordinary, so much in fact a tear came to my eye.
Out of all the things I wish for my children, happiness and a true sense of self with confidence are really my greatest hope. Through this simple interaction today it seems Ashton is on his own path to that destination, blazing a trail for Katherine to navigate her own way by. I am proud of them and find these simple times both trying and rewarding, each day as much a surprise in its ups as well as it's downs.

I invite you to join us on our journey through Kate's terrible and terrific two's as her personality takes shape, Ashton's newly found "big boy world" and struggle for independence, my own search for self and where my life is heading and to watch Paul as he tries to both help everyone and stay clear of us - all at the same time.
Feel free to comment or email me and enjoy checking up on us from time to time. I make no vow of how often I will update this, but promise to blog as much as I can. Thank you for reading!