Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas-ville USA

We took the kids to McAddenville, NC Tuesday and they both loved it. We've taken them there before, but this was the 1st year they were both aware and in awe. In all the times I've gone to McAddenville, I've never gotten out of my car and walked the town. We did this time and discovered the following:
  1. The church in town plays old instrumental Christmas songs from it's bell tower.
  2. In front of the church is a nativity scene made of statues perched high on a hill of sand.
  3. Judging from all the footprints in the sand, it's ok to walk up to it.
  4. There is no baby Jesus in the nativity, (I guess he appears on Christmas day), but we did find the following note: "If you want to see Jesus again, give us $1,000,000 or he will die."
  5. There is a path around the lake with all the lights, but it's behind the trees.
  6. The light sculpture of the old north wind blowing snow flakes is perched on a flat bed trailer.
  7. When you walk along, 1 out of 3 cars will have a passenger that calls out "Merry Christmas" to you. (You get used to it)
  8. You can walk the majority of the town in 30 minutes or less.
  9. There is one restaurant in town, "The Village Restaurant".
  10. Walking around you get the added bonus of "smelling Christmas", most of the lit trees are some kind of pine (Frasier fir maybe?) and smell amazing.
  11. The kids loved picking a small branch of one of the pine trees, so they could take Christmas home.

Loved doing it and looking forward to many more visits around this time of year! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

1 comment:

Jon said...

That is so much fun, Amanda and I walked it before they tore down the houses to build the new ones. We are going tomorrow with the MINI club... I guess about a dozen or so wee cars in a line should be pretty cool. I think after that we will get out and walk.agu