Thursday, June 4, 2009

Kate's Worst Fear

Ever since Kate was a teeny-tiny baby she has been deathly afraid of car washes. She cries when we pass them on the street, talks about them with fear in her voice and runs away from things she mistakes for car washes. And, well, it's my fault.

When she actually WAS a teeny-tiny baby we took our new van through a car wash at our local Auto Bell and, as we went into the wash, I didn't realize her door wasn't shut all the way. I'm not talking about it being wide open or anything, but just enough so that when the high speed rinse came on she was sprayed some. My poor thing started screaming like there was no tomorrow! Next all the noise and giant mops dragging across our window didn't settle her down of course.
I was exhausted from mothering a newborn, sleep-deprived me didn't know what to do, because the way the Honda is, you have to open the door to close it and we were on a conveyor-belt deal with an un-maned car in front of us. So we had to just ride the thing through. Poor Kate apparently still has nightmares from when we rode through the dryers almost 3 years later.
She also hates getting water poured over her head at bath time. Weird coincidence or have I traumatized her in more ways than I know? God I hope not!
Looking back I think I should have been given and would have failed a parenting test, but hey, what can you do about it now. Needless to say, car washes are her biggest fear and I take full responsibility. Now the world knows why and you can come get me now with the handcuffs. (My poor baby girl!!!)

So, if you notice our car getting a little dusty, for Kate's sake, please don't write "Wash Me" on the back window.


Jon said...

as Amanda and I have pulled the goalie, I find it shocking that no one has handed me a test or an instruction manual at least. From what I read, you are doing fine.

Dawn said...

JON! Congrats, good luck, and understand the best instruction manual God gives is "Grandparents".
Also, the less stuff you buy, the less stress you have. Fight Club is really about parenting and Babies R Us shopping. Honest! :)