Thursday, May 21, 2009

Where Does The Time Go I Still Wonder...?

It's been so long since I've wrote, I'm not sure where to start! Here's a stream of conscience list of things that come to mind -

  • Kate wakes me up most mornings saying "It's a beautiful day Mommy, wake up." She then locks me out of my own room to keep me from trying to crawl back in bed at 6am.
  • Ashton blows me kisses when he leaves to go somewhere when I have to stay home.
  • Ashton is VERY excited learning about plants/seeds this week at preschool. He rushes outside every morning in his PJs to check on our strawberries to see how they are coming along. He rushes to school to see how their seeds are sprouting.
  • Now that we are finally out of the drought our yard and gardens are turning out beautifully! We are growing carrots, lettuce, strawberries, broccoli, peppers and watermelon in a beautiful raised box planter Paul built me one afternoon.
  • Every day Ashton asks if it is December yet, eagerly awaiting his 5th birthday.
  • Every day Kate asks if it is Angelique's birthday yet, eagerly awaiting the time when we will give her the inflatable pool we bought for her.
  • Ashton is trying out small talk on the phone. He says things like "Hows it doing?" and "So.....what are you going?"
  • Ashton got a medal today from his 1st extracurricular activity, soccer. He is VERY proud of it and tells me he will wear it every day for everyone to see.
  • Kate is a wonderful helper, empyting the dishwasher and doing the laundry with Daddy's help.
  • Kate is a tremendous artist and can draw a nearly perfect face and includes eyes, nose, ears, mouth and hair. It's her signature and appears everywhere - on the walls, on papers on my desk, on her toys.
  • Kate enjoys painting and I'm currently searching for a gently used kid's easel to put out in the garage for her. Ashton's BIG time into tools and loves to fix things. I'm looking for a gently used workbench for him.
  • Blue's Clue's is out, Dora the Explorer and SpongeBob Square Pants are in on tv.
  • Hide and Go Seek is the new favorite game to play inside or out and they are actually counting now and taking turns seeking and hiding.
  • Ashton is very much into board games and tried to play "Life" the other day with us, pretending to get money and pay money. Kate just likes driving the pink car around the board across the hills making "vroom-vroom" sounds for now.

There is so much more, but that's all I can think of right now! I wish I could freeze this summer in time for eternity...but knowing I can't...will try to enjoy it as much as possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder where time goes too. Ashon and Kate change so much between visits.